Analytics Features

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Analytics Features

Post by elyluvzya »

you ever asked yourself how efficiently your hunting session has been?
Do you wonder how much damage per second you are dealing to your opponent?
Are you tired of laboriously checking your quest log to find out how many more monsters you still have to kill in order to finish a quest?

It is time to bring some new analytics tools to Tibia!

Let us take a look at the new Quest Tracker first:
You can now mark certain quest log entries as active (e.g., a specific Killing in the name of... task). Entries marked as active will be displayed in the Quest Tracker (e.g., kill counter of a task).
This allows you to track your quest or task progress in a sidebar window while playing. Premium players are able to track up to 20 different quest log entries at once while free account players can track 5 at the same time.
The Cyclopedia provides you with information concerning every item which can be traded in the Market.
Similar to the Market interface, those items are displayed in different categories. It also shows you the rough location of the NPCs buying or selling the item and gives you an overview of NPC prices and the average Market price on your character's game world.
Furthermore, you can select items which will then be tracked during your hunting session.

In addition, premium players are able to set their own loot value for each item.

Based on the prices in the Cyclopedia, you can now use two new widgets to analyse the profit and waste of your hunting session.
Loot Analyser:
Displays information on total amount and type of looted items within the last hour, as well as the gold value of looted items based on NPC price, average Market price on your world or individually set prices.

Waste Analyser:
Displays information on total amount and type of wasted items within the last hour, as well as the gold value of wasted items based on NPC price, average Market price on your world or individually set prices.

Further analysing features are the Impact Analyser which provides you with information on healing and damage output within the last hour, as well as a healing and damage per second value, and the XP Analyser which displays your current XP per hour rate and the remaining time to reach the next level. In all four analysing widgets, you can define a target value of your choice. Use the gauge to track if your current progress is above or below your defined average. Use the graph to see your progress over the last 60 minutes.

Loot Tracker:
If you activate the Loot Tracker and a monster drops one of your tracked items, you will be notified about it in the Loot Tracker window. It also shows how many times you have looted an item since you started to track it. Free account players can track up to 5 items at the same time. Premium players can track as many as 20 items simultaneously and are allowed to set a threshold value. All dropped items with a gold value above that threshold are then added to the Loot Tracker.

Hunting Analyser:
The Hunting Analyser widget is for premium accounts only. It gives you a short, compact summary of all the above mentioned widgets. You can also copy the results to your clipboard and share them with your friends and enemies.

Since a lot of new sidebar widgets are coming with this year's summer update, we want to make sure that you have enough space to put them on your screen. You can now open additional sidebars on the left side of your screen. Similar to the already existing sidebar extension on your right side, the number of additional sidebars depends on your display resolution and the size of your game window.

Enjoy the numbers,
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