Guild contest! Write here your application

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Lord Duff
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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by Lord Duff »

devido a tradução de algumas partes nao terem ficado bem claras para mim resolvi trocar novamente a SS para garantir que não serei desclassificado e nem perder pontos por causa dela.

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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by caioffsouza »

Participants from guild:
1. Lord Fonseca,
2. Ed Al Pilot,
3. Lord Arcanjo Da Noite,
4. Sir Dumal,
5. Ana Bonitinha,
6. Anna Boniitinha,
7. Woon Mordyn master.

Story about guild

A Tibian Guild’s History

Once upon a time there was a place that was a bone but was not solid, liquid or gaseous; it was made of ideas, wishes, dreams and imagination - The Tibian Universe. One day, a Brazilian boy with age to be a man arrived there and discovered a new nation. In this nation there is only one manner of die: being killed; but all people always reborn. Nobody can grow, but acquire experience and skills, except when killed. There are humans that are monsters and monsters that speak you. People have not families, but have guilds.

The player lost his family in his homeland, and began a quest for a new one. But all families there spoke other languages and he thought: the first language we learn is our mother’s language. But, there were neither mothers nor fathers in this earth, just leaders and so he decided to be one. The nation had worlds and they were always in fight, at war. On the spur of the moment, he gave himself his first orders: My guild will be an army! The shield will be our symbol! And the shield’s place is Guardia! The Brazilian Armed Forces was born … Now; others like him, his sons and daughters could live there and feel at home under the protection of the great father. The family grows, the friendship, too. The children became experienced and the nephews and grandchildren came. Other families arose! Many Brazilian guilds appeared!

But, part of him never could let his homeland and this part was not immortal like his player. The boy dead and his player would never be the same, just a memory in the guild members’ page. The father will never return! Guardian guilds became melancholic and Rio de Janeiro, too!

Nowadays we are the greatest family in Guardia and in Tibia … a happy family that is always remembering our father figure in Tibia, in homeland and in our hearts.

Thank you Marcos Gomes … our leader, lawyer, general, father, brother... Family forever! Friends forever!

Ed Al Pilot

Homenagem ao eterno amigo e fundador da guild Brazilian Armad Forces Marcão Gomes que vive hoje em nossos corações.
Last edited by caioffsouza on 5 Apr 2012, 14:50, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by Mild »

Red Rose
Participants from guild
1. Gimli Wulfstan
2. Black Falcon
3. Salta Apor (changed name to Munch)
4. Kolbit
5. Tharanis
6. Halfhigh
7. Meriado
8. Avenlia Silvershade

Story about the guild
A long time ago there were a number people sitting in an old house on the isle of Fibula.
They were gathered because they all wanted to see changes in the world. Thais was at
the time a busy city and it was crowded with criminals. The town guard couldn’t obtain
order nor uphold the law. Murderers, robbers and gang members all ran wild without
anyone stopping them.

The group at Fibula had gathered to come up with a solution to these problems. The
result of the meeting was the founding of a guild which vowed to clear the streets of
Thais of criminals in the name of Banor. They wanted to see peace, law and justice in
the lands once again.

The guild picked the beautiful, but fierce red rose as their symbol and thus the guild
of the Red Rose was born. They were followers of Banor, the child of the gods of good.

The word of the Red Rose spread and soon they gained followers and new members.
Together they built the now famous Guildhall of the Red Rose in the heart of Fibula. From there
they tied bonds with other guilds across Tibia which soon became strong allies. On the
same road they met many foes, but in the end the Good always prevailed.

Also, the Red Rose is famous for its traditional events for the community, such as the
Red Rose Carnival, Miss Fibula and the great anniversary party every year.

The Red Rose has stood the test of time and have both endured dark times as well as
flourished in better times. The guild is still until this day working for peace and to uphold
the law and noble virtues in the world Tibia.

Red Roses and friends during Red Rose 13th anniversary party at the Guildhall of the Red Rose.

More information about the Red Rose:
Last edited by Mild on 5 Apr 2012, 21:15, edited 4 times in total.

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Lightbringer Horde's submission

Post by Salama »

Participants from guild:

Kai On Magera
Poshy Elf

Story about guild

We were born in different worlds, since the moment we started our tibian adventure, we knew that we belonged to a place, but we didn’t know which one, neither where was located. We experienced different ways to survive; we have been united by the power of the knowledge and fellowship, without any kind of guide, only our own souls, walking to a future where we’re going to bring light to each creature on the earth.

We have crossed many roads, some of them with a companionship, others without more than the light next to each of us. Since small infernal paths until great paths full of glory, and even when we would have enjoyed or suffered, we would see a place where we would find out people, that in some way, we would call family, a family that would stay united in the light as in the darkness.

We have learned how to be tolerants facing problems, finding out solutions; also we should say that helping people whom need it is our main rule. We have never forced anyone to join us, actually, we have been never recruiting adventurers, the light has brought them here and we have received them happily, expecting nothing from them.

Since the beginning a dream was surrounding minds individually, then a group of adventurers decided to stay together in a much closer way, they created a family and would defend it from whatever attacks against the whole safety; Always spreading the spirit of life, the role playing, the friendship and a continuous development in general.

Together we have built a home in Magera, we have been chosen by the gods to spread the spirit of the light, we are today and we are going to still being followers of justice, we have been known as a peaceful guild, Mages and Warriors which fight together for a same objective, we’re peaceful, yes, but we defend our kingdom pretty well. We’re followers of Khax, the dragon of knowledge, and our light comes from its flames, it's guiding us to the glory, and even when some of us fall down, we all will stop walking, to help it to get up and keep walking but together, that’s why we are Lightbringers!

Feel free to meet us in Magera… Our biggest hint to everyone is “Be what you really are; but never stop to expect being better”


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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by Andarist »

24. duskiness

Opi Fex
Iron Stysiek
Lisek van Liden
Aniol Miecza
Nifu Druid
Ralis Naku


Jesteśmy najstarsza gildia na Furorze. Jak to wszystko się zaczęło? Myślę, ze nikt nie jest w stanie tego powiedzieć na pewno. To było tak dawno... Niewielu ludzi z tamtych czasów ostało się do dziś, sam nie należałem wtedy do gildii, ale bylem bacznym obserwatorem i postaram się opowiedzieć tyle, ile zdołam. Nie da się ukryć, że Duskiness od samego początku pragnęło władzy i dominacji na serwerze, nie kryło się z tym zresztą. Wiele wojen musiało zostać stoczonych, by utrzymać dominującą pozycję. W najkrwawszych czasach liderem gildii był Taifun Devilry, postać której starszym graczom chyba nie trzeba przedstawiać. Zasłynął między innymi rekordowo szybkim zdobywaniem doświadczenia. Nie będę ukrywał, ze dla przeciętnych graczy nie był władca, którego sami by sobie wybrali. Mimo to zdołał otoczyć się wierna grupa potężnych popleczników, dzięki której eliminował z serwera każdego, kogo chciał. Nietrudno domyśleć się, ze wcale nie była to najlepsza z możliwych strategii, która mógł wybrać. Historia wiele razy pokazywała nam, ze tyrani nie są kochani. Nadszedł czas, gdy zdenerwował o jedna osobę za dużo. Katrila w niedługim czasie zebrał dość znaczną grupę tak zwanych 'huntowanych' pod sztandarem Vision, aby obalić bezwzględnego Taifuna. Mimo przewagi liczebnej Duskiness pokazali, ze dla tych mających cel, za który warto walczyć nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych. Co wcale nie znaczy, ze było im łatwo. Walki trwały ponad 2 lata, ludzie kłócili się i zmieniali strony. Ah... to była jedna z największych wojen, którą widziały moje oczy, a uwierzcie mi, ze widziałem ich wiele... Konflikty po takim czasie urosły miedzy ludźmi do rozmiarów, wydawałoby się, niezażegnywalnych. Jednak, ku zaskoczeniu wszystkich, liderzy obu gildii postanowili zawrzeć pokój i wznieść broń razem ramie w ramie przeciwko grupie, która w przeszłości zdążyła zdradzić ich obu. Wspólny wróg został pokonany i od tamtych czasów na Furorze panuje pokój, którego inni nam tylko zazdroszczą. Historia nie zawsze była szyta kolorowymi nićmi, ale większość z nas była wtedy młoda i niedoświadczona. Teraz już starsi i mniej porywczy rządzimy wspólnie jak jeden organizm.


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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by Annn »

Participants from guild:
1. Dark Vinkie
2. Issmahan
3. Kelso of Pythera
4. Son of Whuen
5. Umerrazi Ripalany
6. Kasta Zgrred
7. Brother Gregory
8. Tomerin Gaboja
9. Xanthrax
10. Victoria ray
11. Ze Bouch
12. Davai Nalivaj
13. Breqit
14. Longing Vengance
15. Meri Shat
16. Devils Soldier
17. Prince Hazem

Story about guild

Once upon a time, there was a little guy. With an iron weapon in his hands, he decided to face his destiny and started exploring the world.
'Rainbow sea,
Little thoughtful creatures sit
On the grassy coats of it
Little things with lovely eyes
See me walking with surprise.
Some have wings and swift are gone,
But they all look kindly on
' he thought.

Little braveheart wanderer started discovering the lands of Tibia with a bunch of his innocent friends. It was a great time for them all. However, it turned out that the world was not so perfect as it seemed for the first. There happened something amazing, awful. One day, someone lifted their gun against little guy. The blood soaked and he collapsed with a flag in his hand. A flag white as snow.. he was dead..

The world was cruel and the sad story was repeating over and over again. Storm of various emotions among rage, disappointment fighting one against another and unrestrained will of continuing his adventure led our little protagonist to reborn but with new wave of energy, with a new character. He named himself Dan Lei the Furious. Along with his friends, they created a guild back in 2006. It was called Furious Boys. The members were always ready to stand up and sacrifice their lifes fighting side by side against unjustice, trying to protect each other from abuses, being on the bright side of power. Along time, they started to be respected, the guild was growing bigger and bigger.

Amongst some new fresh blood to the guild, the problems in real-life came, and some of the founders retired from the game. There came Meri Shat, a little girl by that time, saying she would stand a chance for the guild. She said she wouldn't let Furious Boys die, and that's it! The guild kept growing, having players from lots of countries: Brazil, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Egypt, Spain, USA..
Thanks to Meri, Furious Boys flame didn't drop off. The guild spirit is still alive: respect, help, loyalty, true friendship.

Furious Boys never lost its essence. Survived through plenty server wars until today. Through it all, the rise and fall, in the world that is broken and mean, the guild carries on with its own traditions and rules bringing some light to gloomy lands.
Few days ago, the 6th anniversary was celebrated with lots of games and lots of attactions for the whole community. Many players took part and there was a great, unforgotten party.
Nowadays, Furious Boys's heart is still beating and the guild was rewarded with trophy, which recognises it as the oldest guild in Pythera gameworld. Then, we considered that a part of our hearts will forever remain on this guild, and thus, our screenshot shows pretty much the way we love each other here and what we wish for the world to be.
We aren't a guild, we are family.

Image/Video together
It's screen with music, I will also give link straight to screen so you can see it better, but important part is the music as it completes it.


P.S Thanks for this contest, it's a great idea. I hope that our story is understandable for you, we tried our best to write it in english.
..more clever but older now. A leader, a learner,
a lawful beginner. A lodger of lunacy, so lucid in a jungle. A helper, a sinner, a scarecrow's agonyzing smile

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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by Leferty »

O Polanach słow czterysta:
Sierpień 2003, wtedy to mała grupa przyjaciół zaczęła oficjalnie figurować jako Polanie.. nazwa miała symbolizować polski charakter bractwa, miała kojarzyć się z naszą narodowością, i miała się z nią kojarzyć pozytywnie. Grupka szybko się rozrosła, i zaczęła być solidną, zżytą gildią.

Od początku walczyliśmy z przyjętym stereotypem Polaka który kradnie, któremu się nie ufa.. dlatego nowi członkowie dobierani zawsze byli bardzo sumiennie. Od września 2005, w którym przyjęliśmy większość aktywnych członków zaprzyjaźnionego klanu Dark Drinkers, nasze rekrutacje są przeprowadzane bez pośpiechu, każdy potencjalny rekrut jest dokładnie weryfikowany i oceniany, a nowych członków Polanie widzą nie częściej niż dwa razy w roku, i z reguły to Polanie zapraszają wypatrzonych, nadających się graczy, a nie odpowiadają na spływające pytania o rekrutację - jako lider muszę mieć pewność, że nie będę musiał się nikomu za nowego członka nader często tłumaczyć.

Przez kilka lat przez gildię przewinęło się dużo graczy znanych nie tylko w polskim środowisku tibijskim. Począwszy od Lord Wilku, Dusholap, Ksiadz Mirek czy Erynia, którzy brali udział w początkach (o ile mnie pamięć nie myli, to właśnie Dush był pomysłodawcą nazwy "Polanie"), poprzez bardzo szeroko udzielających się nie tylko na Calmerze tutorów: Ikar of Winterfall i Dabeek do dobrze znanych starym graczom Calmery wojowników takich jak Notoryczny Miotacz Sledzi - nasz największy czarodziej, Milkot - przecierał dla nasz szlaki wielkich wypraw na Hero czy Behemoty, Lindrai - jeden z ulubionych blokerów Cachero, Wladca Korniszonow - który już 8 lat temu udowadniał, że druid to profesja która ma potencjał, a nie jest to tylko "UH maker", bo taki stereotyp wtedy panował.. nie ma Polanina, który nie byłby nietuzinkowy.

Jest rok 2012, stacjonowaliśmy już w na północy Ab'dendriel w Zamku Wiatrów, w należącej do Kazordoon Wilczej Wieży przy pustyni Jakundaf, a od paru lat niezmiennie zajmujemy przepiękny Zamek Białego Smoka na wyspie Cormaya. Na serwerze cieszymy się szacunkiem tych, którzy są szacunkiem zainteresowani. Jesteśmy drugą najstarszą gildią na Calmera, prawie dziewięć lat istnienia za nami, a planujemy dobić i dziesięciu, i piętnastu.. bez wojen, bez złośliwości, bez rewolucji, w spokoju.

Nasze wspólne piwa-chlanie w karczmie w Kazordoon ;-)
Polanie znajdujący się na zdjęciu:
Bloody Eagle
Dark Janoo
Mala Myszeczka
Mystic Assassin
Princess Ann
Tyria Dedraema
Valqventis Demothe
Wladca Korniszonow
W imieniu Polan, wszystkim życzę powodzenia ;-)

Last edited by Leferty on 6 Apr 2012, 00:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by Foggy »

Damage Incorporated has been a neutral, English speaking guild since its foundation in February 2005 in samera. We've seen other guilds come and go, we reached highs and lows but we kept existing. Around two years ago the situation was very bad in our beloved server with a lot of powerabusing and pking. With the introduction of the world transfer system this meant that a lot of our oldest members traveled to what they hoped would be better lands. This didn't only happen in our guild but basically the entire English speaking population of samera. Of course there were some people that didn't want to transfer but after seeing all their friends leave they got bored and started playing less and less. In those times the leadership in DI got passed a few times until i got the honor of doing it. I was basically retired myself and i had no friends left. The guild chat was always empty and i rarely felt like logging in anymore. After logging in some day last year in February I met some nice English speaking people. It made me realize that i was not alone and there were others like me looking for friends to play together. It was that day that i made it my goal to unite the english speaking neutral community in samera. Now one year later we've welcomed over 60 new members and we're still growing. Things have changed for the better in samera so there were some people that started to play again. There were even some old members that came back to play here with us. Now we reached the point where we don't depend on the leading guild anymore to do quests and we can hunt pretty much anything we want. This are things we could only dream of just a year ago. Being a guildleader is a lot more work then one might think and i couldn't have done it without the support from my loyal members, so i also want to use this channel to thank them or everything they've done.

Image ... ntest.png/
Foggy dew
Lady Andreitta
Half Scran
Elite Knight Mostafa
Shik Thetrius
Youth Gomori
Dyanna Minit
Sektor Malkaviano
Strelliita niice
Last edited by Foggy on 6 Apr 2012, 00:47, edited 4 times in total.

Sir Dzidek
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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by Sir Dzidek »

In rules we said that you can submit your guild's to 23:59 CET, which is 00:59 CEST :) We're waiting last hour for your application!
Remember to check all your links if it's working fine.

Good luck!

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Re: Guild contest! Write here your application

Post by Foggy »

this means we got another hour?
