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Guide about guilds, guildhouses and guild wars

Posted: 7 Jan 2014, 22:25
by Fester Adams
Tibia is a game in which personal contacts and relationships between players is extremely important, and those who play learn that unity is strength. For this reason there are "guilds" in which players form a group.
Guide about guilds, guildhouses and guild wars
Guilds are formed by groups of people willing to live in the community game. They are very popular as they offer good protection for its members. Guilds usually have more powerful influence on the events and politics of a world than any single player could have, and few are foolish enough to mess with a member of a strong guild. However, note that each character can only be a member of one guild at a turn.

1. The origin of the guilds

The guilds are in the game from the beginning in order to form groups of players, share your knowledge, and strategies to promote group hunts. Every system currently known however, dates from 2002, but even before it had formed guilds in Antica, the older server, which has the oldest guilds of the tibia.


2. Classification:

Each member of a guild receives a rating. This classification, or ranking, will appear both on the account page as the character in the guild page. Also, if you have a guild, other players can see their classifcation clicking on you within the Tibia. Example: You see Fester Adams (Level 225). He is elite knight. (Bruto),
which has 57 members, 6 of them online.

3. Guild Chat Channel

Members of a guild can open and use a private chat guild pressing Ctrl + O simultaneously and clicking on the name of your guild. If you are excluded from the guild while the guild chat open, you will remain until leaving the game.

4. How are formed guilds

All guilds of Tibia has a basic structure. While guilds have a complex hierarchy with more than 20 different individual ratings and numerous individual titles, the guilds of Tibia are always made with three basic classifications: guild leaders, vice leaders and ordinary members. The classification of a guild leader is always the most prestigious and this position must always be occupied by a character. Characters that founding new guilds are automatically elevated to leader, so guilds are normally led by the founders. Furthermore, any guild must have at least four vice leaders. These vices form the management of the guilds.


Characters who wish to start a new guild, must recruit at least four vice leaders within three days after the founding of the guild. If they fail and not convincing enough players to join as vice leaders, the guild will be disbanded. Also, if a vice leader out of an existing guild, and no longer have sufficient vice leader, the guild leader must find another player to fill the position within two weeks.

4.1 Creating your guild

First, you must be a premium player. Visit, look at the menu on the left, click on Community. click on Guilds. Choose the world you want to create a guild and click Submit. Will appear all guilds in the world selected. Click on Found Guild. Fill in the blanks with the requested information and click Submit. If you put a valid name guild and everything is correct, your guild has been successfully created. Click Continue.

Your guild will be disbanded (deleted) automatically after three (3) days after the date of foundation if you do not find at least four (4) vice leaders. Recalling that vice leaders should also be premium players.

4.2 Guild Description

As the leader, you describe your guild in order that other players know who you are. Also include a homepage guild so they know their history. To do this, click on Edit Description. When finished, click Submit.
Also, you can upload a logo to identify your guild below, following the formatting instructions of the image.


4.3 Inviting Character

Leaders and Vice Leaders have the option of inviting players to join the guild by clicking "Invite Character." Characters must accept guests enter the guild by clicking the "Join Guild" on page guild. You can uninvite a person using the "Cancel Invitation". If you invite a premium player, you can promote him to the rank of vice leader. Recalling that does not appear within the Tibia you have a guild until the guild be completely formed. Recalling also that you or the vice leaders can only invite someone who is not part of another guild. Therefore is not possible to integrate two guilds with the same char.

4.3.1 Identify a member

You can easily identify a player who is part of a guild looking if appears a shield with “G” under your name.


You can see that being part of a guild, the shield is golden for all members of your guild. While the shield of the other players who are part of other guilds will be white.
A red ray appears below the shield of guild of any player when 5 or more players from the same guild are online at the same time. This is important information for wars.

4.3.2 Looking players

So if you click "look" in character with shield, appears his name, level, vocation, rank, guild name, optional tittle, number of players that the guild own and how many of them are currently online. Example: You see Royal Gansterr (Level 102). He is a royal paladin. He is Jefaso of the Super Amiguitos (Loco Liberalista), which has 30 members, 5 of them online.
If the player is not within guild, you get to see just your name, level and vocation, without the shield. Example: You see a Cupida do Amor (Level 48). She is a royal paladin.

4.3.3 Parties

You'll find that some players to invite to your party, the message "Your party has 1 members and 4 pending invitations". This tells how many people are in the party and how many have not yet accepted your invitation.
The leader of your party is identified with a yellow shield and the other members are identified with a blue shield. Note that members of other parties are identified with gray shields.


As in guilds, a red ray appears in character when 5 or more players are in the same party.

4.4 Guild Board

Members of a guild can read and post under private message guild located on the official forum. However, only members will have this benefit if the leader decides to activate the option to create private board (Create Board).

4.5 Reporting Offences

To report offenses committed by guilds, click Report Offence in guild page and select the motive in the options below. Then select the reason that violates any of the rules to the tibia scroll bar where it says Reason. And make a comment about it. After, click Submit to send your report. May be reported guild name, logo, description, ranks and titles.

4.6 Editing Ranks

Only the guild leader can edit the classification of a member. He can determine the number of ratings (3 to 20) and the name of them. If the leader to choose identical names for the classification of leader and vice leaders, the list of members appear as if they had only vice leaders and ordinary members. All guilds should have only one leader, and in fact, the first character that appears in the list is the leader. In names of the ranks, appear rankings. After elsewhere, you can put members as vice leaders. In number of ranks you change the number of ratings. Click Submit to save the changes or Back to return to the guild page.

4.7 Editing Members

Several options are disposed here: Set Rank, Set Tittle and Exclude from Guild, Let’s understand these functions.


a) Set Rank

Selecting the "Set rank to" can promote or demote characters. Note that any guild member can promote or demote members who are lower in ranking. So if a guild has 7 ratings, a member of the fourth classification or ranking, can promote or demote any member of the fifth rank or below. However, it is not possible to promote or demote any member to his own class, so if the guild member mentioned that a friend wanted to promote him to the rank 3, he would have to ask a member of rank 2 or to the leader.

b) Set Tittle

Titles can be given to the individual characters using the button “Set Tittle to”. To do this, select the character that will receive the title, write the title in the blank space and the next time you enter the character in the game, will be exhibiting this title. Example: You see Fester Adams (Level 225). He is elite knight. He is Dominator of the Drunk Family. (Bruto) …
Note: only the leader is able to grant titles to members of a guild.

c) Exclude from Guild

You can delete guild members the button "Exclude from guild", selecting their names and clicking on Submit. Note: the leader and vice leaders has the power to exclude players from the guild.

4.8 Disbanding Guild

If you want to delete, click on Disband Guild. Enter your account password and click Submit to delete your guild. Or click on Back to return to the previous page. You can also transfer leadership to another player by clicking Resign from leadership. Choose a new leader and enter your password.

5. Access to Guildhalls

Guildhalls homes are specifically modeled for use by guilds. As long as the guild leader has rented one, any guild member can enter the guildhall. Thus, even players with free accounts can have a home for their characters! However, note that guild leaders can make some areas inside the guildhall inaccessible to other guild members, so the members it does not always have access to the entire guildhall.

5.1 Getting a guildhall

Access your account on the official website and click on "Community" and "Houses". Now select the world, the city and check the options "auctioned" and "guildhalls." Click "Submit". Only the guild leader can acquire a guildhall. And this acquisition can occur in 2 ways: auction or direct purchase.

a) Auction

After that, if there guildhall in the list, click on "View" to see the features of the guildhall and "Bid" to make an offer. Now you must select your character, enter the amount of your bid in the space provided and click "Submit". If your bid is the winner in the server save of the day to finish the auction, your guild will have a guildhall.


b) Direct Purchase

In this case, the purchase is negotiated directly with the current owner of a guildhall busy. You must agree a price and the offer must be made by the seller on the official website. It's like selling a house. The seller makes the offer, stipulates the date of transfer of the house/guildhall and the buyer accepts.
All money collected from rents and purchase, whether directly or by auction should be in your bank in sufficient quantity.


Official Note: Make sure that you take all your personal belongings out of the house before the daily server save on the day you move out. Otherwise your belongings will be consigned to the next renter of the house.
Also note that if you are transferring a guildhall, do not disband the guild until the other guild leader has received the guildhall. Otherwise the transfer will fail and the guildhall is put on auction.

5.2 Paying the rent

The rent is automatically deducted from the bank's guild leader. If the database does not contain enough money, the leader receives a notice in your depot. If he still can not afford a week later, he is taken from the guildhall and any character on your account you can rent a guildhall for one month and all belongings will be transferred to the depot of his hometown.

5.3 Managing your guildhall

The leader can invite others to join and may also grant the right to invite other players. To manage the rights that their friends have on the guildhall, the leader can enter the following words:

a) "Aleta Sio"

The leader and premium guests can edit a list of all characters who are invited to enter the house. Just enter the name of any character you want to invite, one name per line. To uninvite, delete the names.

b) "Aleta Som"
The leader can choose who are the guests who will edit the list. Guests can invite and uninvite characters and can kick out of the house if they want.

c) "Alana Sio"

If the leader or guest say these words, followed by the name of a character, he will be kicked from the house. Guests can also kick the same way if they want.

d) "Aleta Grav"

The leader can edit rights on the doors, determining who can open or close doors or interior page. A good idea is to create private spaces for each member. To edit the permissions on the door, the leader should be facing it from the outside. The leader has unrestricted access to all doors and areas of the guildhall.


5.4 Special Commands

You can represent many characters using '*' and only one character using '?'. In addition, all members can be selected with the command '* @ name guild' or all members of a rank 'nomedorank @ nomedaguilda'. If a line begins with '!', The player in front of him will be marked as deleted. Lines that begin with '#' are considered comments.

6. Guild War

You can even use the War System in optional pvp worlds declaring war to another guild in clicking on Guild Wars and Declare War on the next page, if you are the leader. Then simply select the enemy, the duration of the war, the number of deaths for the win and the fees to be paid in the event of victory / defeat. You can also add a comment to encourage your opponent =)
That done, click on Declare War.


Listed on guild page all information about declared wars, wars in which the guild was involved and the history of all wars. To declare war, the guild should be with the complete formation (1 leader and 4 vice leaders) and can not be at war with other 5 guilds at the same time. When there is agreement between the two leaders of rival guilds about the conditions, the war will begin and the best will win.

6.1 Identify who is who in the war:

Characters with a green banner are members of your own guild.
Characters with a red banner are members of an opposing guild with which you are at war.
Characters with a blue banner participate in a war in which you are not involved.


6.2 Rules for guild wars

According to the manual of the tibia, found on the official website, the rules for guild wars are as follows:

- You will always receive a protection zone block when involved in a fight with a member of the opposing guild. However, if you perform aggressive actions against your own guild members, you can still enter a protection zone.
- It is possible to leave this guild or to kick somebody out. It is not possible, though, to invite new members as soon as your guild has declared war. However, already invited characters can still join the guild even if the war has already started.
- Killing the same member of the opposing guild counts only up to 5 times in 24 hours to the kill score of a guild. Any further kills of this member do not count for the score.
- You can find all important information like the current kill score, the start of the war and its maximum duration, on the guild wars page in the guilds section.
- Characters that are not involved in the war cannot heal you or strengthen you in a party in case you have suffered damage in the last 60 seconds of a member of the opposing guild.
- The war ends when the time expires or when a rival brand of guilds established the amount of deaths.
- The end of an alliance during the war declares victory for the players of opposing guild.

7. Management of the Guilds

After you have chosen the name, invited players and met all the minimum requirements to formalize your guild now lack the content to personal relationships between players can be harmonious, everybody can understand and contribute to the maintenance of guild . In addition, you should create a good image of your guild so that other players can recognize it.

7.1 The History

Think of a plot for your guild, immerse yourself in the role play game and create characters for each member of your guild, divide the ranks as the text presented in the introduction exposed in guild page in A guild that reveals a story is well recognized in the community of their world.

7.2 People and Resources

The leader can assign certain functions to the vice leaders and other members of the guild to better manage the development of the work within the group. Some interesting services are:
Diplomat: the person who will negotiate with other guilds, along with the leader, peace, war, and other living conditions, for example, those where hunting.
Collector rates: the person who will collect the part of each member to buy things that are common to all members. Example: Guildhouse, supplies, decorative items and hunteds payments.
Recruiter: the person responsible for inviting new members to the guild as you need.
Looter: the right person to take care of the spoils of war and hunting. It's who sells everything and divides resources equally among the participants on the occasion.

7.4 Rules and Decisions

And be sure to draw rules of coexistence and good conduct for the members of your guild. As it gets more respect, more good people feel comfortable to be part of her. Not to mention that every community will admire it for its history and its ideals.


The council will decide controversial issues can be formed by the leader and vice leaders or else by most members of the guild. You decide.

7.3 Allies and Enemies

It must be clear who their allies are and who your enemies are, therefore, propose diplomatic relations with some other guilds by peace agreements or mutual trade. To identify the enemy, set a blacklist with unwanted names of players and guilds to let everyone know.

I hope you learned a lot of things about guilds, guildhalls and guild wars.
See you in tibia. Good luck and have fun.

Re: Guide about guilds, guildhouses and guild wars

Posted: 10 Jan 2014, 08:13
by Sarphy
Very nice article indeed,
I like that its very complete, having the basic stuff and a little more in depth..
The 7th section was nice, it gave me a few ideas that i could apply in my guild to have a better experience ^-^.

Re: Guide about guilds, guildhouses and guild wars

Posted: 25 Jan 2014, 00:14
by Skrip2820
Nice article, this guide help a lot guilds.

Re: Guide about guilds, guildhouses and guild wars

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 15:36
by Masters Of Shielding
THanks Fester Adams for the nice article!
I liked the part about the guild wars :p
I'm in an nutral guild so I haven't been in an war yet but thanks to your article I understand how it works now ;)
Also liked the part about People and Resources, Im gonna talk to my guild leader and try to get it implemented.
Maby its an nice idea to put it in the nick of the player?

Yours Masters Of Shielding

Re: Guide about guilds, guildhouses and guild wars

Posted: 16 May 2014, 15:29
by Trululu
To much info and very useful.

GOOD article.

Re: Guide about guilds, guildhouses and guild wars

Posted: 30 Mar 2015, 17:31
by tallezz
i don't understand the part with the parties, so if i have more than 5 people in my party a red ray will appear?
and what about shared xp? how does that work?