Team name: Norse Clan
World: Nerana
Team leader: Rickerd
1) Dragonhawk - Elite Knight
2) Gurudew - Elder Druid
3) Ingrid Lafleur - Royal Paladin
4) Raben af Kampe - Elder Druid
5) Rickerd - Royal Paladin
Norse Clan
Norse Clan is a nice and small guild in the world of Nerana. The members from the team are all friends and joined together in the Norse Clan guild. We like to do team hunts with a lot of people so thats why we joined this contest.
Team screenshot
Hunting Diary
Apocalypse's seal
Roshamuul Prison
Guzzlemaw valley
Golden Prison key
The Hive
Silencer Plateau
Warzone 3
I and my team want to thank for this fun contest. We had lots of fun time doing this contest.
Norse Clan
Old threads with contest.
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