We are excited to announce the official launch of the Tibia Token (TIB). Starting now, players can convert Tibia Coins into Tibia Tokens and vice versa on the account management page on the website.
The conversion fee for changing Tibia Coins into Tibia Tokens will start at 6% and will be rounded up. This special starting rate will apply until April 15, after which it will increase to 8%. The fee is paid with Tibia Coins.
The contract address of the official Tibia Token is: 0x111B95C2b65CbA53aB4E0AaDA12f55985045E446
This ensures that it is the official Tibia Token. Additionally, the address is displayed in the account management.
We would like to remind you that if you decide to use this Tibia Coin Trading option, you do it at your own risk. Therefore it is crucial to completely understand the process in order to manage these transactions responsibly.
For more detailed information of this update, please consult our news article, as well as the featured article.
To new horizons,Your Community Managers