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Backpack Hunt

Posted: 1 Apr 2019, 13:31
by Lehula Dohon
Attention Tibians,

the latest study results shook the Tibian intellectual scene. Over the years, interest in poetry, drama and non-fiction literature has dwindled among Tibians.

Library and bookshop keepers are now sounding the alarm and calling for counter-measures and sensitisation of the Tibian folks. Several sources confirmed that nowadays only tutorials for successful hunting and reprinted editions of the all-time bestseller The Book of PvP continue to enjoy great popularity while the general number of visitors and customers is declining.
In an unprecedented campaign, the most influential members of the literary circle now want to bring Tibians literally back to the bookshelves.

With the help of the community managers, three backpacks were hidden in Tibia. One of them contains valuable treasures and a secret code.

The hiding places differ from game world to game world but finding those locations should not issue a real challenge for passionate book lovers and clever Tibians.

Whoever finds such backpack first can keep it and enter the secret code in the April Fools' Backpack Hunt feedback form. It is up to the lucky finders if they share the secret code with others.

Keep in mind that every additional entry reduces your own chance of winning one of the five 250 non-transferable Tibia Coins that are raffled among all correct submissions on April 03.

You'd better be quick, undetected backpacks will be removed shortly after server save on April 02.

To the bookshelves!
Your Community Managers