Between the server saves of January 17 and January 20 players will enjoy significant advantages, linked to the Exaltation Forge:
All players, regardless of their equipment, receive at least the bonus effects that are on Tier 2 items (Onslaught: 1.05%, Ruse: 1.03%, Momentum: 4.05%, Transcendence: 0.27%). This chance adds to already existing ones.
This surge in strength could come in handy, as the event sees a doubling in the peak number of fiendish monsters active in the game world simultaneously, while their respawn times are reduced to 5 seconds. Moreover, the rate at which influenced monsters spawn is also doubled.
To make the event even more attractive, we have also increased the XP rate for fiendish/influenced creatures. For each sinister embrace stack you receive 25% instead of 10% additional XP.
Examples for bonus effect changes:
A character carries a Tier 4 weapon and therefore has a 2.45% Onslaught chance. While the event is active, he has a 2.45% + 1.05% = 3.5% Onslaught chance.A character carries a non-tiered weapon and therefore has a 0% Onslaught chance. While the event is active, he has a 0% + 1.05% = 1.05% Onslaught chance.A character does not carry a weapon and therefore has a 0% Onslaught chance. While the event is active, he has a 0% + 1.05% = 1.05% Onslaught chance.
We hope you will have a successful time on Tibia's hunting grounds.
Let steel clash,Your Community Managers