# Date Name Reason Photo
1 03.04.2012 Sir Dzidek Admin of GuildStats.eu
2 03.04.2012 Stroshy Contest - Majestic Shield creator
3 27.04.2012 Meri Shat (guild Furious Boys) First contest - Guild Contest
4 30.10.2012 Titi Iris Second contest - Dreamed Guildhall
5 28.02.2013 Lupus Aurelius Third contest - New Year's eve contest
6 10.10.2013 Druid Drudz Long term help
7 10.10.2013 Creazi Long term help
8 04.11.2014 Cauli Activity system - first person
9 06.01.2015 Trululu Gumdrops Activity system - second person
10 06.01.2015 Darusio Activity system - third person
11 11.12.2015 Ice Crambler Long term help
12 30.01.2016 Lord Demon Nightmare Activity system - fourth person
13 06.04.2016 Akro Alith Activity system - fifth person
14 16.05.2016 Thunder Madame Activity system - sixth person
15 11.01.2017 Rojnuj Monster Activity system - seventh person
16 04.04.2017 Licad Activity system - eighth person
17 09.05.2017 Thoraha Activity system - ninth person
18 07.07.2017 Krieger In Enrage Activity system - tenth person
19 16.08.2017 Yoorick Activity system - eleventh person
20 05.12.2017 Makadamia Activity system - twelfths person
21 28.03.2018 Pilfe Activity system - thirteenth person
22 29.10.2018 Stwalls Activity system - fourteenth person
23 20.11.2018 Krieger In Enrage Fourth contest - Make a History Contest
24 23.07.2019 Magis Activity system - fifteenth person
24 23.07.2019 Talesje Activity system - sixteenth person
25 10.02.2020 Lehula Dohon Activity system - seventeenth person
26 02.04.2020 Ely Blademaster Activity system - eighteenth person
27 17.09.2020 Hunter of Dragoes Long term help
28 20.04.2021 Bloodmoon Activity system - nineteenth person
29 23.07.2021 Kid of Vengeance Activity system - twentieth person
30 06.04.2022 Osmano Fansite Appreciation Day 2022
31 06.04.2022 Sakeron Archer Fansite Appreciation Day 2022
32 06.04.2022 Zulnan Fansite Appreciation Day 2022
33 23.06.2022 Mepi Activity system - twenty-first person
34 08.09.2022 Tschas Activity system - twenty-second person
35 26.10.2022 Lejonhjartat Activity system - twenty-third person
36 04.04.2023 Spekkie Spekbuyck Fansite Appreciation Day 2023
37 04.04.2023 Lalo Kota Fansite Appreciation Day 2023
38 04.04.2023 Thi Ell Fansite Appreciation Day 2023
39 02.04.2024 Shardorat Valkyre Fansite Appreciation Day 2024
40 02.04.2024 LHeltt Slayer Fansite Appreciation Day 2024
41 02.04.2024 Toro Sato Fansite Appreciation Day 2024
42 09.09.2024 Lordag Activity system - 24th person